About Material Plane

Material Plane is a combination of hardware and a module for Foundry VTT that allows you to track physical miniatures on a horizontal display.

By utilizing a sensor mounted above the display, and special bases, the position of the miniatures is transmitted to Foundry, allowing it to update the vision of the miniature in real-time.

The video below demonstrates how the position of miniatures is tracked in order to update the vision in Foundry (please note that the hardware shown here is outdated, but functions similarly).

Besides tracking miniatures, Material Plane allows new ways to interact with Foundry using the pen. This pen can be used to open/close doors, create drawings, place templates, and much more. Take a look at the demonstration below (please note that the hardware shown here is outdated, but functions similarly).

Further information can be found on GitHub and the documentation.

Before ordering, please read the Requirements and Ordering Guide thoroughly.